Nissan Quest 2001 blown fuses wont start

Problem :

blown fuses,won't start

Another solve :
I've had this happen twice in the past 6 months. Have your mechanic focus on the fuses for the fuel injectors. The service department at the Nissan dealer is telling me that blown fuses for fuel injectors usually indicate that the injector will eventually go bad so I should just have the fuel injector system replaced ($1,600 job). A local mechanic is going to try to see what is causing the blown fuse by isolating where it is shorting out - he thinks it could just be wires touching each other along the rail line of the fuel injectors. Not necessarily that the fuel injectors are bad. I will post once I have had the work done over the next few weeks.

Another solve 2:
which fuses are blown? in which part? i'm trying to find an answer but it gives me fuses in a lot of car parts.

Our Solve: At first you have to check the cable line. If the problems not solved then just change the full fuse system (blown fuse box).

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